About Me

And just beyond her hopeful eyes, there is a secret she well hides. She cannot tell you. though she’s tried, she just keeps hiding , hiding behind… her everyday, the things you say, and just to keep on breathing, the jokes and laughs, and paragraphs of words that have no meaning. And outside she pretends so well, but inside she is screaming. She puts on the act, and as a matter of fact, She’s almost got herself believing…

Saturday, December 11, 2010

An Adventure?

I'm ready to be swept away, ready for a ride.
Ready for almost anything, take me with the tide.
Dare to take me with you, take me for it all.
I promise I will follow, just catch me if I fall...  

I've recently stumbled upon someone... well not too recently and not StumpleUpon like the website. :-P  We met a few months ago and have only in the past week been able to hang out and get to know each other.  Anyway, I'm not gonna go into too much detail on all that, but we're both really fun and exciting people -- and I don't meet a lot of those.. Do I like a lot of the guys I meet?  Sure.  But can they keep up with me and my great big personality?  Most can't.  
I wrote this poem awhile ago because for some reason that day I was inspired.  I don't remember why, I don't even remember when.  I feel like it has become pretty relevant to my life right now though. If we decided to go on an adventure together... I think we'd have a lot of fun.  I mean, as of right now, what we have is nothing really, so I don't have my heart set on anything, but for where I am in my life right now... I'm ready for that kind of adventure.  :-)  

Post to ya soon!! 
-- Pyper

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