About Me

And just beyond her hopeful eyes, there is a secret she well hides. She cannot tell you. though she’s tried, she just keeps hiding , hiding behind… her everyday, the things you say, and just to keep on breathing, the jokes and laughs, and paragraphs of words that have no meaning. And outside she pretends so well, but inside she is screaming. She puts on the act, and as a matter of fact, She’s almost got herself believing…

Sunday, December 12, 2010

A Good Night, An Unrelated Bad Morning

This is one of the aDORable kids I got to babysit for last night! She's one of 3 kids and they are a family of 4s.  She is 4 years old, her older brother is in 4th grade, and her little brother is 4 months old.  I think that's sickeningly cute.  Let me just say, these kids are angelic.  They get along swimmingly with each other and the older brother is the best older brother I've ever seen.  He'd do anything to help out and to keep his little siblings happy.  We started the night watching The Grinch (the Jim Carrey one, not the original... lame.), then we went board game cRAZy, playing Topple, Tumble, Life, and Monopoly Jr.  For anyone out there thinking about buying the game Topple, don't.  It's boring and it falls over uber-fast.  We continued, and ended, the night watching The Incredibles -- great movie!  The downside -- I got paid a whole $40 to watch 3 kids for 5 hours... Luckily they were fantastic.  


However, towards the end of the night I was feeling pretty awful... stomach ache, cramps, headache -- the general "everything is awful" kind of sick feeling.  I was just laying on the couch hoping I didn't fall asleep before the parents got home.  I really hate when the parents come home and you've dozed off -- they give you that look, you know the one I mean, the "what if my kids were dying in the next room and you were sitting here sleeping" look.  Anyway, I didn't fall asleep.  But I did throw up.  So now I'm in the bathroom practically praying that the parents don't come home while I'm in there, but at the same time hoping they come home VERY soon.  So I think, maybe something I ate today didn't agree with me -- that's a viable thought, right?  WRONG.  

The parents finally come home, hand me my whoppin' $40 and I rush my ass out of there so fast you'd think the house was on fire.  Now all I'm thinking is "Please get home before you need to be sick again."  Success.  However, the second I walk in the door, it happens again.. and keeps happening every hour or so from the hours of 1 to 6 in the morning.  miserable.  So, that's how my day went... and I've been sitting, eating very little, taking random naps all day long, and I'm finally feeling a little bit better.  I think it was the donut I was finally able to keep down.  Donuts fix everything.  

Now, I've come to accept the bad mornings/days after I've been drinking for a good night, but man I hate being sick!! At least when I'm hungover I know it's my own fault.  I didn't do anything wrong except agree to watch a few good kids and be the world's best babysitter.  UNfair.  I'm pretty positive this is a passing sickness and I'll be back to my regular self tomorrow though!!! Winter break... here I come!! :-D  

Post to ya soon!
-- Pyper

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